Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Unexpectedly Back From High Point

Hello all. I am back from High Point. I actually came back Monday night. Why? I received a phone call from my husband just as we were leaving IHFC the first day. "What's up," I said. "We're at the hospital." What??!! Jim took Lauren to the hospital due to possible appendicitis. I had my appendix out when I was six so it was very plausible (Lauren is six). I spoke to Lauren. She was in pain and crying. She wanted me to be with her. Ok! When we got back to the hotel, I packed up, abandoned my friends (I was the driver), and took off for home. It was 9:00 pm. I arrived home at 2:00 am. Lauren was home and in bed by then. I got my pajamas on and crawled into bed with her. She awoke briefly and said, "Mommy!" She crawled right on top of me and slept the rest of the night as such. My friends thought I was crazy to drive home so late at night after a full day in High Point ~ we were tired. But I knew where I needed to be. It was not appendicitis. I have been home with her for the past two days. She is doing well.

I did have an amazing one day in High Point though. I got most of the client work done, we hung out with Thom Filicia (yes, this time I got a picture), met Margaret Russell of Elle Decor (she is quite lovely), and took many photos illustrating the trends and beautiful furnishings. What impressed me the most was the focus on green design. I am missing today's training from the Sustainable Furnishings Council. No worries, I will attend it next time. There were lovely vignettes everywhere. I took several pictures that I will post and talk about when Lauren is a-ok. For now, I will go hang with her.

Oh yeah! Don't forget about the E-Design Giveaway! Folks have told me that they have not decorated for Halloween yet. No worries ~ just submit a fall design or one you enjoyed last year! Mrs. Limestone from Brooklyn Limestone did that. Deadline to enter is this weekend!

Stay tuned!


  1. Sorry your trip was cut short, but when you're a mom this is what happens! I can't tell you the amount of occasions I've had to drop what I was doing to get back to the kids. It's hard, but really, what a blessing!
    Have a great one...Janell

  2. Thank you Janell. Yes, being a mom is a blessing.

  3. You certainly did the right thing - what Mom wouldn't when they hear their little one crying in pain?
    I hope she's feeling 100% soon - can't wait to see your High Point wrap up!

  4. Sorry to hear your trip was cut short but I am very glad to hear that Lauren is okay!
    - Paula

  5. Awww -- poor Lauren! Her little voice must have just tugged at your heart -- no wonder you left! You are such a loving Mom, and I'm certain she was so thankful to see you as soon as you came in the door :)

    P.S Can't wait to see your re-cap of High Point


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