Sunday, November 6, 2011

More is Up on My Walls ~ YAY!

Let's start at the beginning... the entry. I took this picture above standing in my foyer looking into the music room. Those are my favorite wedding pictures. Candid shots of Jim and I dancing and of us with our bridal party ~ laughing. I love that one. These are front and center on a column as you walk in the front door. The shot below is what you saw when you look up at the second floor hall from the foyer.

Before the art was installed.

Here is is with the artwork. You may notice a theme with almost all of the artwork in my home. Can you see the theme? There will be some exceptions.

Above is my art installer's ladder complete with tools. He just keeps moving it around to the area he's working rather than carry a tool chest. One never knows when the ladder will come in handy.

While were upstairs, let's peek into one of the guest rooms. Above is the room minus any wall adornment.

I used the mirrors I had in my dining room in my old house here. They will have a strong connection with the drapes which have a circular star-like motif on them. I cannot wait to get those up. The two together will bring a wonderful rhythm to the space. I love that!

Here is the back second floor hall that over looks the family room. This art has been waiting a while to be hung.

There you go.

This is the view from the family room. I have a gorgeous mirror planned for in between the floor vase and artwork...

Isn't she a beauty??! This is an amazing John Richard mirror 96" tall and 48" wide. I ordered it but it will not be in until the end of December :-( I did visit it when I was a Market though :-)

Below is the creme de la creme... ready??!

A blank wall! BUT...........

I commissioned an artist to paint a trip tyke for me. I am looking forward to seeing the drawings and seeing them come to life. Each will not be quite that wide. I think they need to be slightly thinner. I am leaving the tape up to remind me of what's to come. As soon as they arrive I will show you and tell you all about the wonderful artist. That will be a happy day!

Did you catch the theme to the artwork?

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