Wednesday, November 2, 2011

"It Ain't Nothin' but a Thing"

I have a wonderful team. My installers, Jeff and Joe, like to keep things simple. Here is a project I'm working on that had a dilemma. You see in my neck of the woods, we have many, MANY two story whatever... family rooms, foyers... you name it, we have it in a two story version.

Two story installation of drapes is not for the faint of heart. Trust me ~ it can be a bit scary. I am not afraid of heights. Heck I have parachuted before. But sometimes when way up high on a ladder, one may need to stretch to reach what's needed.. or sneeze... or have the ladder start to slip a little. At least when I jumped out of the plane, I knew the parachute would open and I wouldn't crash to the ground. That is not the case here. So up they go. I still say a prayer every time.

Then the magic happens and I appreciate their efforts so much. But what if a designer is faced with two story almost everywhere in a room. Here's the situation... the window to the left of the fireplace is partially over a landing of the stairs. One of my installers, Joe, has a saying..."It ain't nothin' but a thing." And he's right. If the room demands silk from head to toe ~ you give it to it freely, without reservation or complications.

Even if the ladder needs to be placed in an unconventional manner, you smile at the sight of it and marvel at the effect.

Once the room is completely furnished in all its splendor, the quirk will disappear and all that will be left is enjoyment. See... it ain't nothin' but a thing :-)

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