Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Where did we leave off?...

Ah yes, the wallpaper was installed. So what next for Project Love? The window treatments...

First the dining room drape panels and privacy sheers were installed followed by the foyer. The dining room panels are simple. I want nothing competing with the glass bead wallpaper.

I checked on the family room a few times. I place items and then leave the room. Come back, tweak, edit... The art piece has yet to be placed but something is amiss. I moved two large vases from the foyer into the family room. I like them. The tree and floor lamp give me pause. I repurposed the rug and the sofa pillows from the living room and used then here. The pillows on the new light green chairs are also new. I really love they way they look.

Here is one foyer treatment completed. The custom rugs yet to be placed will relate very well to these treatments. I am excited to see them together. The wallpaper in the dining room is glowing ~ love how glass bead picks up light.

Here I am in between editing. This is how I think best. Note the toe nail color. My daughter picked it out :)

Jeff and Joe. My window treatment, art, and mirror installers. Big, burly men. The first time I worked with them, this is years ago now, I thought 'These burly men are going to touch my delicate treatments?!' It was thought with anxiety and fear. Those feeling were so unnecessary. They're the best. Jeff installs with precision and Joe is the finisher. Joe has the best hands in the business. The most delicate touch I have seen on my lush treatments. Mind boggling. Joe re-enacts civil war scenes in his spare time. Interesting and fun folks. I have spent hours with these two and laughed until my side hurt.

It is getting there. The lamp and cocktail tables make me get that line in between my eye. You know, when one is thinking... they were existing tables the client had. When I was recently in NYC at the Design Center, I saw some tables I would love to place in this room. Note the sofa pillows...

Here they are with their covers. Sumptuous.

The rug is covered in this picture. Take my word for it ~ the pillows relate very well to the rug and window treatments. I still have that line in between my eyes, lips sucked in looking at this picture. I think my client did too. The next time I was in the home, the cocktail table was removed. They have a good eye. I said I would try and use the existing tables. I think they voted. Time to organize those NYDC pictures.


  1. I probably just missed the post, but did you reveal your solution to the window issue in the foyer, above the door? The wallpaper in the dining room is indeed stunning and love it paired with the drapery panels! Janell

  2. Very nice. I love how the ceilings are painted. It's all so simple and elegant. Love it.

  3. WOW those pillows just brighten up the room!!!!! Very well done!!!


  4. Thanks for all your comments!

    No Janell, I haven't revealed the 'foyer fix.' I am waiting until that puzzle is complete so I may show it to you and explain what I did. Stay tuned :)

  5. Hi Paula! Love the way the colors compliment on that living room, from the ceiling, to the window treatments to that rich area rug, and the sofa pillow covers-so creative! Great inspiration, can't wait to see more of your work :)


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