Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How was my vacation?

Fantastic! Here it is in a nutshell... Went to Disney's Magic Kingdom for one day. There's Jim and Lauren walking in (note the clouds).

We had a full day. I was a bit restricted as I wore a sundress. Note to self ~ wear shorts to Disney. I could not ride several of the rides. Why? I would have had to sit in some of the rides with my knees up and out. Not very lady-like in a sundress, not to mention being exposed in a way I'd prefer NOT.

Jim looks so calm. I wonder how this picture will look in a real car when Lauren turns 16??!!

Yes, it rained. But we were done. There they are complete with rain poncho compliments of Disney.

Next we got on the ship. Our cabin was lovely suite. Don't worry, Lauren did not watch much television. Too many things to do!

I loved our deck. We enjoyed all the ocean views and moon lit nights. Jim and I just relaxed there one night while Lauren was at the Disney Club. We watch a lightning show off in the distance. It was breathtaking.

Lauren and I danced...

and I caught up on some very important reading.

We snorkeled with the mantis...

walked on the beach....

and attended a private, SUNNY party with Goofy.

When we got back to shore, we spent a day at Sea World...

and a day at NASA.

Did Lauren have a good time?? What do you think?!

I'd say yyeeeeessssssiiiiirrrrrrrreeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! Did Jim and I have a good time??

You betcha!!!!!!!!!!


  1. WIEW!!!! That's what I call a VACATION!!!! you just MUST be full of energy right now;)
    About the dress, I would have worn a dress.....because then I don't HAVE to go on some rides....*scared*;)!!!!
    Lovely picture of Willy;)!

    Sweet greetings

  2. It looked wonderful. Glad you had a nice relaxing time! I want in next year!!!
    - Paula J


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