Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Thursday Room(s) ~ Baths I Adore

Today instead of one room, I have selected baths I love for different reasons. Each room is unique from traditional to contemporary. The powder room above is designed by Cheryl Kees Clendenon ~ rustic elegance is how I would define this style. What a wonderful marriage with the tile and wood!

The bath in the video below by Brian Covington is compliments of Kohler. What I adore is a lovely combination of traditional and sleek. When done well, it is a union made in heaven and this is it.

These last two I found on If you have read my blog, you know I am dreaming of the day I have a free-standing bath tub. These two baths make me want it even more. These are absolutely awesome to me given the connection with nature. Clearly they do not have neighbors to contend with ~ oh dare to dream.

You also may know my infatuation with neutrals. Well, these have it all plus a little something special either with art or stone. Scrumptious if you ask me.

Which is your favorite??

Pssst ~ still time to enter my giveaway. Winners will be announced on my Fun Friday post.


  1. Oh my, where do I begin?

    * That first bathroom is so warm + inviting -- the combination is so perfect. I like that there isn't a mirror above, so you can truly appreciate the beauty of the tile and lighting.

    * Video: Can a toilet be beautiful? I think so! And genius is that window above the shower -- a smart and chic solution to such a common problem.

    * Second to last photo -- I'm with you, Paula Grace -- that freestanding bath tub is gorgeous!

    I'm forwarding this post to someone right now :)
    Hope you're having a lovely day*

  2. I love beautiful bathroom designs! The bathroom is one of my favorite place in my home...I love white colors and vintage when it comes to bathroom decorations. Your selection is simply beautiful!

    Have a great Thursday dear Paula, cheers: Evi


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