Thursday, April 8, 2010

Fun Friday ~

If you read my blog on Monday, you'd know about my lovely new sponsor and about the giveaway. Today for Fun Friday, the winners are announced. Drum roll please........

And the winners are

Sherry from the wonderful blog No Minimalist Here. Sherry's comment ~ "I would love the Garden Flower hair Clips for my granddaughter. She loves hair clips and bows and would adore these!" was the first one pulled out of the hat (not very scientific but what the hay!).

Bob from the fabulous blog Bob Narod, Photographer. Bob's comment ~ "Bob" tweeted. Love the blue sky earrings. :)" Now since Bob tweeted, he was entered twice so the law of probability was with Bob. Here's the thing, Bob is actually MY photographer. He has taken all the photos in my portfolio. He's a wonderful photographer and a blast to work with. When his comment came out of my hat, I thought, 'Should I toss his name out of the drawing because we are colleagues?" Hmmm..... then I thought, 'NO' he entered just like all the rest. Now I am pretty sure the earrings are for his lovely wife but if he's wearing them at our next photo shoot, I'll let you know :)

There you have it ~ the winners of the beautiful items from my new sponsor Paula Designs and Snuggy Bunny Too. Check her shops out ~ you'll be glad you did.

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. I just clicked on your site and see that I am a winner. My granddaughter will love these. We will do the happy dance together.
    Thank you so much!!!


How wonderful! You are leaving me a comment. Thank you!