Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Timeless Tuesday ~

Wallace E. Cunningham ~ Architectural Digest

Next Tuesday ~ February 2nd ~ my Timeless Tuesday party begins. What is Timeless Tuesday? Every Tuesday, I'm hosting a well rounded party of all things timeless or trends that you would like to see become timeless.

Interior Design, Architecture, & Furnishings ~ see the picture at the top? You may think that is a more contemporary design. The furnishings are, that is true but their balance in timeless ~ symmetry.

It can be seen in all design styles....

Craig Wright ~ Architectural Digest

Jennifer Post ~ Architectural Digest

Rustic Elegance
Stephen Shadley ~ Architectural Digest

I would love to see some beautiful, classic fashion. There is so much out there!

Fashion & Accessories ~ from jeans, to Coco Chanel, to Christian Louboutin to...

Cooking, Recipes, & Entertaining ~ from succulent meals, to appetizers, to chocolate chip cookies to...

Art, Photography, & Music ~ from Lino Tagliapietra to Byron Jorjorian to Bruce Springsteen.....

Even trends that we would like to see become timeless classics ~

Trends ~ Eco-friendly to large scale motifs to.....

Dahlia Gardens in Driftwood ~ Larry Laslo for Robert Allen

Think out of the box. I'd like to have a party with comprehensive participants sharing their timeless classics.

Won't that be fun??!!

So next Tuesday, look for Audrey.....

A classic beauty in any time. She'll be our guide to Timeless Tuesday.

Come ~ join the party! I'm looking forward to having you!

I'm linking with The Shabby Chic Cottage's Transformation Thurday as this party is brand new ~ a transformation to my blog!


  1. I'd love to be in that top photo right this minute!

  2. You've covered so many classics in this post! Love Channel, Audrey and I'll second the first comment, that is a space I'd love to be relaxing in right now. Looking forward to Tuesdays!

  3. I really like this idea, Paula Grace!

    Audrey is the most ideal to kick off this
    great new series :)

  4. Found out about the party via julia... I think I might have to interrupt my bloggy break ;)


  5. Love the blog! Love timeless so looking forward to seeing what you have in store!

  6. Oh I'm definitely on board...what a fantastic idea dear Paula! And having Audrey as a guide is simply wonderful :-)

    Cheers: Evi

  7. Such a fun idea! Can't wait to pop in and "visit" Audrey.

    s (& j)

  8. Looking forward to the luanch of Timeless Tuesdays!


  9. Audrey is the perfect hostess for this party! Count me in! Lisa

  10. Yay! So excited for this! That food pic is making me hungry. And John Mayer - will be at his Seattle concert on March 31st! His new album is off the hook! :)


  11. Ooooh yummy food!!! I'm drooling... I'm sure I will be dreaming about food now!

  12. what a wonderful, wonderful idea! here's a little classic fashion to start things off:


    happy february!


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