Sunday, January 24, 2010

Monday's Method ~ VIP

When this VIP wrote to me, I knew I had to respond ASAP!

Dear Mommy,

You know I have decided to start a jewelry business. It has become very important to me now since I need to make a lot more so I can make money to send to Haiti. They need food and medicine. I can't make a lot working the way I am. I need a studio like yours. Will you please help me?



Yes, my love, I will.

At the top is my daughter's play area in our lower family room. It was adorned with a large Cinderella and her loving mice friends. Lauren reported that she has out grown them and that this would be the perfect place for her studio. We jumped right on it!

First my daughter selected her colors for the area....

Benjamin Moore's Razzle Dazzle, Harbor Side Blue, and Gold Metallic ~ oh boy!

I took a deep breath ~ then I realized that these colors connect well with that area of the room ~ phew!

The pink connects with her area rug and all her pulls.....

The blue connects with the adjacent bath.....

And the gold metallic ~ well every little girl needs a hint of glam!

So off to the bare wood store we went. We found the perfect pieces. Next Jim and Lauren got to work sanding.....

Note Millie, our dog, in the last picture. This is all Millie wanted to do with the project...

It was chilly in the garage but we ventured forth with painting...

After carefully reading the instructions on the paint, we found out it was too cold to continue in the garage so...

...into the sun room we go ~ you bet I covered everything ~ the furniture and drapes are off white! That ended Lauren's painting her studio furniture. She's was ok with that ~ we played Monopoly while Jim painted. She was very tasteful with her paint placement. The gold was used on the drawers only ~ the pulls ~ pink. Lovely!

Next we found the perfect chair ~ I cannot believe we found a chair the same hue as the razzle dazzle paint at only our second store. It had to be put together...

Next came prep and touch-up. Down came Cinderella and her mice.....

Spackle and measure...

Finally ~ it's time for installation...

A proud moment for my generous little entrepreneur...

Yes, she did pick out the zebra print trash can ~ her final touch.

There you go my love ~

What are those things hanging from the ceiling?? Lauren and I worked on that art project. That was a while ago when she thought her space needed some pizazz.

What's in the cabinets?? I placed a row of utility cabinets in her area for toy and art supply storage. Lauren has the bottom portion; general storage in the top portion.

I am so glad this VIP was pleased. The most important VIP there is!

If you would like to participate in Monday's Method, just email me at with your question and send a couple of pictures. It's that easy!

I am joining these wonderful parties ~ check them out and have fun!

Monday ~
Between Naps on the Porch Metamorphosis Monday
Smiling Sally's Blue Monday
Little Red House Mosaic Monday
Cottage Instincts Make it for Monday

Tuesday ~
A Soft Place to Land DIY Tuesday

Thursday ~
The Shabby Chic Cottage Transformation Thursday

Saturday ~
Funky Junk Interiors Saturday Nite Special

Always a great time!


  1. How wonderful! Boy I see she already has a lot of jewelry made! She should open up an ETSY store front to sell it. I love the new studio. Tell her I think it is perfect (however I still do love Cinderella!)
    Great team work Jim, Paula and Lauren .. and Millie too!

  2. Really cute post and such a great new work space for the Artist! Pretty bracelets!

  3. You are the most wonderful Mommy! Look at that sweet little room! Your little daughter is so adorable and I do believe she's getting her decorating bug from her pretty Mommy! Good luck to her in her new business! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. I love the little hot pink and gold desk. So cute her area is. yes I see an artist in the making. Etsy, here she comes.

  5. Great family post! Such a lovely place for a generous enterprise.

  6. Thank you! And yes, she is getting the bug from me. Lauren is an excellent designer (I may be a bit bias :)
    Paula Grace ~

  7. Ok I'm seriously jealous! What a lovely work space that would make for ME!! LOL!! You have quite the little business lady there! Good job supporting her creativity! Just love it! Have a great week and have a wonderful Blue Monday! Sherri : )

  8. Really cute post!!!
    Beautiful room!
    Have a beautiful BLUE MONDAY!!

  9. A perfect art studio for a sweet girl!

  10. What a lucky girl! Have a great week!

  11. Your daughter is modeling herself after you--how wonderful! She's learned how to evaluate a problem and come to a workable solution, and then to participate with the decision-making and elbow power. What a great lesson, Paula. Happy Blue Monday!

  12. How cute is that!

    What a great mom and dad to spend the extra time to make a special girl's work area a place of fun and color!

  13. Very cute. Look at you DIY'ers. She should open an Esty store. Great idea PZ.

  14. Such a fun way to teach your little one on decorating, lovely post.

    Blue Sky

  15. Wow, what a great job! And what a lucky girl! I wish I had a room like that when I was little!

  16. wow thats lovely! i agree she's one lucky girl and im sure she deserves it!

    u may view mine here

  17. Oh my, this is so cute!

    Little Lauren is just darling + her new business + area is so sweet! Right from the heart. Is there anything better?

  18. How sweet that she wants to help the people of Haiti. The room is charming-do you want to adopt a 44 year old little girl and design a room for her? I'm available.

  19. Oh how cute! I wish I had an office space half so nice. :)

  20. This is just too cute !! She looks very proud and this could be the beginnings of a fabulous jewelry designer ... all because you're encouraging her passion and allowing her to help out to create such a precious space. Way to go, Mom !! Take care, Becca (Adventures in Decorating)

  21. Paula, this is so cute! Sounds like she has a heart to help people like her mother! She also very talented! Great job with the room and raising a compassionate little lady. Lisa

  22. love all the colors, great job!

  23. A little late to the party here with this post but I love it! Your daughter is beautiful inside and out. You must be very proud!


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