Saturday, November 19, 2011

Interiors of Washington, DC

I am very excited to announce that I've been invited to participate in an upcoming book publication. The picture above is of the Southeast regions version. It is a beautiful coffee table book showcasing wonderful interior designers. The Panache Company publishes regional books. They scour the country looking at designer's work and then inviting them to be a part of it. My book comes out this summer. You'll be able to purchase it on Amazon or at Barnes & Noble.

This past Friday, I had a photo shoot at one of my client's homes. It was an unusual shoot because the finished product is a 360 degrees view of several rooms in the home. This view will be available online in conjunction with the book. It is very cool! I'll share the link once it is up.

Of course, I'll be having a give~away of one of the books when it is available but I wanted to give you a sneak peak...

This beauty will appear in the Transitional section of the book. What do you think?


  1. I know you designed the large cabinet on the left side Paula, but did you also design that table in the foreground? This room is stunning!

  2. No, I didn't design the table Andie. It was an existing piece that I really like. Thanks for saying the room is stunning.

  3. Dear Paula Grace,

    Hello! First off, thank you so much for your lovely comments. Things have been crazier than ever on my end and though I enjoy reading blogs, I wish that I had more opportunities to leave comments of appreciation. I do now, I couldn't wait to stop by and say hello... and to find such WONDERFUL news—WOW! Congratulations! I would love to have this book, especially knowing that your work will be in it :)

    Hope you are having a lovely weekend...


    p.s this space is beautiful!

  4. Congratulations, and what a beautiful way to treat such a tall space! Janell


How wonderful! You are leaving me a comment. Thank you!