Monday, August 9, 2010

Project Love...

Have you ever worked on a project that you simply adore? This is one of those projects. My clients listen intently and soak in the information. They have stretched themselves to incorporate new ideas. Trust is firmly established and they understand I have their best interest in my heart. Bliss!

Here are some before pictures...

Yes, this is where the home with the foyer window issue...
All in all, not to shabby. They worked with a designer previously but it just didn't hit a home run for them. He wants "Wow!" But as I walked through the home I couldn't help but notice the demur aspects that were clearly hers and needed to be respected. I few things were clear ~ the palette included hues of orange, green, and neutrals. They love orange, green, and neutrals ~ just not some of the ones currently in their home. There are a couple of surprises though. When I opened the powder room door ~ it revealed purple walls and I thought 'Ahhhh passion is hidden beneath the surface here.' So my job is to give them demur, secretly passionate Wow. I can do that ;)

Stay tuned...


  1. I'll stay tuned!!!;)...passion with a little cover up!;)

  2. This is already a great looking home so I can't wait to see what's in store.

    Juliette Samuel

  3. What a grand staircase. What are the area rugs in the dining and living room? They almost look like drop clothes in the photo.

    Have fun! Will be looking for completed photos.


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