Wednesday, August 18, 2010


In this phase of Project Love, the magnificent wallpaper is installed and lighting and fabric begin to make their debut...
Breathtaking glass bead wallpaper surrounds...

The dining chairs are home again. But Paula Grace, they don't look any different!

On the contrary, they are very different with spectacular Barry Dixon fabric on the chair back. The head chairs have a little something extra.

This chair treatment is just like this...
Beautiful and restrained from the front ~ daring and delicious from the back.

The living room now has a fabulous chandelier where there was none before ~ on a dimmer of course. All lighting, but particular overhead and wall lighting, must be on a dimmer to perfect the ambiance for any given situation.

There's grumpy Mike again. You may remember him from the tween project. He's installing the dining room sconces...

and twin chandeliers over the table. His son is his helper during the summer. There is he with some of the extra chandelier chain around his neck. Mike did an eye roll in response to this. I just smiled :) His son is at then age when defiance is starting. I smile at that too and wonder how Mike will contend with the next few years.

This project is getting exciting. I don't think Mike is excited about what's to come ;)


  1. Oh, you must show more of this project, I just love the elements you have shown so far! Janell

  2. So far -- lovely! I really enjoy when you share your projects :)



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