Sunday, August 1, 2010

Fresh Air Heart to Heart

The other day I wrote about what I thought was a crime against nature. Nature defined two ways ~ nature meaning the great outdoors and nature as in as humans we have certain characteristics and needs such as the need to connect. The scene in that post inhibited nature any way it is defined. Today, I thought I'd show some wonderful fresh air spaces that promote nature.

I can see myself enjoying family and friends in any one of these beautiful spaces. Can you?

Gorgeous spaces compliments of House Beautiful


  1. I definitely see us in a few of these spaces !
    The first one is fantastic and the second and the last and ... well, all of them :)

  2. I love that english looking courtyard!


  3. These are just beautiful, and my most favorite is the courtyard -- what a quiet and private retreat. I adore it! Thank you for the continuous inspiration, Paula Grace!


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