Sunday, July 25, 2010

What am I up to?

Why am I so busy? Well for starters, I am working on several large projects. Here's a sneak peak at one. Don't get too excited :)

These are before pictures. My lovely clients purchased a beautiful older home in Northern Virginia with fabulous grounds. The original owner was an ambassador. I know this because I spent some time with the second owner of the home who sold it to my clients. I wanted to know more about the structure, the bones, the secrets of the home. The seller lived in the home for 35 years so she knew a GREAT deal about the home and was happy to share. I learned more than my clients and we are using that knowledge for our benefit.

At the time the home was built, rooms were compartmentalized. The 'great room' had not yet been introduced. The previous owner liked it so it remained so for their time there. They did complete two wonderful additions but the kitchen and family room remained divided. Enter a family with children. They do not want the divide. They do not like the dated look. They are cooks so functionality is paramount!

The design has been approved and the details are being attended to.... custom cabinetry, hood, and back splash all signed off on ~ love that! So how does it look now?

YIKES! ~ No worries, everything that was reuseable (cabinets, appliances) were removed carefully and donated.
Ok! ~ now we can see what we're dealing with.
Ahhh! ~ the joy of moving ~ NOT!
Phew! ~ the gorgeous stone fireplace remains!
At least someone is enjoying the current state of affairs.

Seriously... it will look very much like this when all is said and done...

Honest! I know it looks like a bomb went off but give it time and TLC and the true beauty will be revealed. I'll keep you posted.


  1. makes me feel all stressed out just looking at it. what a big job! I'm sure you have everything totally under control. I get stressed out just trying to select a single lamp.

  2. Beautiful drawings, can't wait to see the afters!

  3. I love the stone fireplace. Yeah, you definitely look busy:-)

  4. The plans look wonderful. Can't wait to see it finished. I can still remember when my parents converted their compartmentalized home from the early 60's and created a great room with an open kitchen. The entire house looked so much bigger.

  5. Looking forward to seeing your vision come together Paula.

  6. You do indeed have some rather large projects on your hands. I wish you luck in finishing these. The sketches look great I hope to see an update when this is finished.

  7. Can't wait to see the end result!

  8. Wow it looks like you are doing a huge remodel. The end product looks great.


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