Sunday, May 2, 2010

What Chaises Do I Like?

Today instead of telling you what's new, I thought I'd show you some pieces that I like. I am still doing Monday's Methods for those who would like a little design advice but nothing is burning on the stove for that right now. Usually I'll show you new products if no one writes in but not today. Today I am in a chaise mood. Folks often wonder what the correct pronunciation for chaise is. Is it 'chase' as in 'the cat will chase the mouse'? No. Is it 'chez.' No. The correct pronunciation is shez. So there you have it. Now when someone asks you to see their new 'chase,' you can say, "I love your new shez" and smile. Ok, here we go... Here are some of my favorite chaise lounges. The one at the top is designed by Alexa Hampton for Hickory Chair. Here is another Hickory Chair one that I love...
This is the Leigh Chaise.

Here are a few from Christopher Guy...

He doesn't name his pieces ~ only numbers them. You cannot deny their elegance and grace. Here is the unfortunate thing about them ~ they are not very comfortable. They look amazingly beautiful so if you would like a piece to look at but not use regularly, this line is for you. However, if you would like to actually lounge in your chaise lounge, I prefer the Hickory Chair ones or this next one...

This is the Lois Chaise from the Kristin Drohan Collection. Now this chaise is comfortable! It envelopes your back wonderfully.

I hope you enjoyed reading about the chaise lounges I like. Do you have a favorite one from above??

If you do have a design question, please feel free to leave it in a comment. If you have questions about a particular space in your home, send me a couple of pictures along with your dilemma to

I'll see you tomorrow for Timeless Tuesday.


  1. Paula,

    Several are really beautiful!! I love comfort in furnishings though so would love the Lois Chaise I am sure!

    Art by Karena

  2. I love the second piece by Chistopher Guy. It is blunt and has just enough curves to be labeled sexy. The color is perfect. This piece would look great in a room that isn't used a lot, ie formal LR. Admire but don't touch.

  3. Wow. That Lois Chase sure looks familiar. :)

  4. Is it because you shot it, Bob? Thanks for featuring the Lois. I like the HC ones a lot too. I love the way the Christopher Guy chaises look, but as Paula and I can attest, they are more for looking fab than comfort.

  5. That is one sweet daybed. Heading over to check out your post!More info>
    chaise lounges


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