Monday, March 8, 2010

Timeless Tuesday ~ Six

Andie Skurman

Today I am featuring the freestanding bathtub. This classic position of the focal point is a classic. No matter what the design style, floating the bath remains timeless. Take a look...

James Cavagnari & Erin Quiros published in Architectural Digest

Stephen Sills & James Huniford published in Architectural Digest

Thomas Roszak published in Architectural Digest

Check out these beauties from the wonderful Cheryl Kees Clendenon...

Isn't Cheryl work amazing? She also writes a wonderful blog!

I long for a freestanding tub. It is my plans for my master bath redo!

Now it is your turn to share your classics ~

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2) Leave your name and say a couple of words to describe your post (e.g. "Coco Chanel suits" or "Classic interior design for children" or "Delicious meals in a snap."

3) Copy and paste the Timeless Tuesday logo button (on my right sidebar) to your Timeless Tuesday posts. This is a sure way for your readers to know you have joined in the party.

4) Link back to the host blog, that's me ~ Paula Grace Designs Blogspot Timeless Tuesday ~ so all the bloggers that joined the party will receive many interested visitors.


  1. Thank you Paula for featuring some of our work at In Detail! I am such a fan of freestanding or floating tubs. Really is my "go too" design right now ...if there is enough room. There is something so much more serene about a tub that is not encumbered with gobs of tile all around it I think!!

    I look forward to your timeless Tuesdays each week and love being a contributor! What a great idea!!

  2. Wow...they are beautiful! Makes me want to soak for hours with candles burning! Very inspirational...

  3. Oh my! The first bathroom is a dream! That tub, centred, makes for such a lovely statement...I adore the plants and the oval structure of the room.

    It is incredible -- one of my favorite rooms to date, Paula Grace :)


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