Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Bold Wallcovering

Elle Decor recently did a story on the bold wallcovering trend. They selected some nice examples and ones that I could not fully appreciate. The one above is delightful. It's fresh, lively, and quite happy. I could live with it for a while. For me, the last statement is key ~ with this much pattern and color throughout the room, can I live with it for a long while or will I tire from it too quickly to make it worth the expense? Here are some others from Elle decor...

At first glance, I liked this wallpaper. Second glance, I liked it less. Third, even less. I doubt I could live with it for the long haul.

I wish I could say I could live with this one. It is relatively neutral but is appears busy to me. Love the chandelier though.

I could not live with this one. It is striking but for me, it is imposing.

I like this one very much. I could live with this wallcovering for a long time. It is soothing ~ tranquil ~ simple.

This one is from my gal, Kristin Drohan. She used a cork with orange metallic from Phillp Jeffries. I could definitely live with this one.

For me it's all about how congested the motif is. My eye needs to rest. Why then do I like the first one? Its the curves of the vines. I find them relaxing. While I love geometrics, the second one has a congested geometric type motif that would likely irritate me over time. The third one feels like the walls are closing in. The tree ~ ahhhh ~ a breath of fresh air. The metallic cork has the appearance of texture with sparkle versus a busy motif. Wallcovering is in the eye of the beholder. What I find busy, another may find divine. What I find soothing, another may find boring. The point is when choosing wallcovering (paper or paint), one needs to ask themselves ~ Can I live with this in the long run?

I have nothing against wallcoverings. The wallpapers coming out today are spectacular. My favorite application is to place it in shadow boxes when the room lends itself to shadow boxes.

Here's a room I did that is all about femininity and sparkle. The wallpaper in the shadow boxes has a large motif and has metallic features. It gives the room just a bit more luxury. However, I could not live with that wallpaper either if it covered the entire room. A little goes a long way (and it is a bit easier on the pocketbook when using high end product).

What's your take on wallcover? The more the merrier ~ love it in moderation ~ no way jose to wallpaper ~ __________ (fill in the blank)????

Don't forget to enter the art glass ornament giveaway! Winners announced Friday ~


  1. I completely agree that a little wallpaper goes a long way. I did a similar application in my dining room to the last image you showed.For me, it's just the right amount.

  2. The room you designed is just beautiful! I love it.

  3. Love the Green one and of course the cork and shadow boxes. The others...not so much.

    PS Did you know about the new disclosure law for bloggers. All bloggers need to check it out.

  4. Thank you so much for your nice comment about my patio on YHL! It means alot. As far as wallpaper, I have a love/hate relationship after removing it from 80% of my house! However, the first two styles on this post are just lovely.

  5. Hi Paula! I do like wallpaper, but a little less busy kind! :)
    Now that room you've designed is so beautiful! You are so good. When are you going to show us your home? Hint hint...:)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. I absolutely love the first room. Sure, it's a little loud, but it's a lot of fun!

    The room you did is gorgeous!

  7. Love it in moderation...however, that could be because I haven't wallpapered anything yet...I have just dreamed about it. I can't wait try it some day. The space you did is just beautiful -- such warmth and elegance.

    I love seeing your work, Paula Grace :)

  8. I'm right there with you on the wallpaper theme--I have a super hard time committing to a pattern--always afraid I'll hate it next year. And because of my career, pattern is my life! Or at least a big part of it, with texture being another large slice.
    In the bathroom, I like the idea of a feature wall--the pattern/design being on only one wall.
    How do you find time to post everyday? You're Superwoman!!! Keep up the fabulous work!

  9. Dear Sara,
    I am not superwoman ~ it is getting harder to post everyday!
    Paula Grace


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