Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Kreativ Blogger Award Nomination

Wow, thank you so much Sarah for nominating me for the Kreativ Blogger Award! I am so honored that you thought of me :-)

Sarah Klassen is the fabulous author of one of my favorites blogs ~ Haute Design. I attain so much inspiration from Sarah herself and her wonderful work ~ it never ceases to amaze me.

I have been asked to tell you seven things about myself that folks don't know and nominate seven wonderful blogs for this lovely award. No problem!

Seven things about me.....

1) I am first generation American. My mom is from Chile; my dad was from Poland.

2) I dance to the music in stores (my daughter does too!). Never pass up an opportunity to dance :-)

3) Design is my second career. The first was in the psychology field.

4) I choreograph dances and direct music videos in my mind.

5) I was a card carrying cat person.... until we rescued Millie, our beloved pooch.

6) I started design work at the age of four along side my mom.

7) I ended my spelling bee competition in the 6th grade by misspelling the word design (oh, the shame of it).

Now I have the pleasure of nominating seven blogs that I enjoy. That will be difficult as I enjoy so many. Here goes.....

1) Boulevard Interior Design

2) Brooklyn Limestone

3) YellowGoat Design

4) Sara Baldwin Design Blog

5) Faith Sheridan's Blog

6) JLDesigns Blog

7) Karen Davis Design Raves Blog

There you have it ~ seven things about me ~ seven fantastic blogs to read!

Thanks again Sarah; you always make me smile :-)


  1. These are great! You have such a fun personality and love for life -- it's so refreshing :) Also,
    Millie is lucky to have such a warm family...

  2. Thanks for thinking of me.

    So interesting you were in psychology before. I imagine its quite helpful in dealing in your current profession.

    I just did the honest scrap award a few days ago so I don't think there even are 7 things everyone doesn't know already. Im not that mysterious :)

  3. Oh dear, I must have missed that post. I'll read it so I know what your secrets are. Have a great trip.


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