Friday, September 4, 2009

Fun Friday ~ Lovely Clusters

One night while twittering away, I came across a link. It lead me to the Facebook page of Lovely Clusters ~ an online store created by Rachel Follett.

Rachel is an interior and graphic designer who lives in Maui, Hawaii. Maui, what a wonderful place to live and be inspired. She seems very inspired. After a bit more digging, I came to her blogs. Both wonderful. First there is the Lovely Clusters blog affiliated with the store and Design Lovely.

Here is how Rachel describes the Lovely Clusters Store ~

I have always wanted to create a website that would be a place for people to go where they can easily find really beautiful creations. Etsy can seem so overwhelming with its vast amount of shops and it can sometimes feel like a flea market where you are rummaging through to find the special shops that you can relate to. I noticed that there are quite a lot of people out there that were having the same issue and so starting up a site that links to my favorite sellers existing etsy or dawanda, etc seemed like the way to go. I wanted to have at least 20 sellers before I announced this exciting new venture and now it is finally here to share with all of you lovely readers!

I also want to mention that I am fortunate enough to be working with a dear friend of mine Vicki Dvorak from Simply Hue. Her taste is really similar to mine so we will be curating different artists from around the world to be featured on the site. We have been fortunate enough to have these lovely artists sign up to be on the new site so far!
How wonderful!

Here are a few products I gleamed from their shop.....

Lovely jewelry, pillows, clothing, art, photography, trinkets, and other assorted goodies.

Then I perused Design Lovely. What fantastic inspirations.....

Thank you Rachel for these lovely sites to visit. I think I know where I'll be doing some of my Christmas shopping.

BTW, Happy Belated Birthday!

Enjoy your weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for this post! Wow! You are so kind. I am glad you enjoyed my blogs and online gallery!


How wonderful! You are leaving me a comment. Thank you!