Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Congratulations Mariette Himes Gomez

Congratulations to Mariette Himes Gomez! Ms. Gomez is the 2011 ASID Designer of Distinction Award winner! Avery well deserved award for one of my favorite designers. Mariette has won numerous award and appears in the AD Top 100. I have blogged about her beautiful designs before and pleased to do it again.

Timeless elegance is how I would describe her work. I have awed over designs Mariette did years ago just like the ones she does today. That is a truly gifted designer ~ to be able to create a room that never tires. Please enjoy a few of Ms. Gomez's lovely designs and you'll understand her award of distinction.

1 comment:

  1. This is so well deserved -- she is fabulous! I enjoy the images you show, but adore the last space most of all... how inviting it looks.


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