Thursday, March 17, 2011

Artful Home and Project Hope

One of my favorite vendors is stepping up to the plate to aid Japan in their great time of need ~ Artful Home.

They partnered with artist Jeff Crandall. Jeff creates these lovely glass bottles with important messages etched on them. They are simple and gorgeous. The one selected for this campaign has the words HOPE - Warning: Do Not Abandon. Fitting don't you think?

Until March 23rd, Artful Home will donate 100% of the proceeds of the sale of Jeff's bottle to the Red Cross to aid the victims in Japan.

I am buying several. One for myself and more to give away. In fact, I'll do a give~away. Leave me a comment on this email and I will put your name in a hat to win one of your very own. I'll announce the winner on March 24th.

Bravo The Artful Home and Jeff Crandall ~ well done!


  1. quite the message ON a bottle! i'd love to have that reminder daily. ry

  2. What an appropriate sentiment.


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