Tuesday, October 19, 2010

So ~ How did the Gala Go?!!

Well, I don't really have any great pictures yet ~ but I will. One of my photographers was in attendance taking pictures. I'll show them to you as soon as I get them. The one above was taken with friend's cell phone :) Here I am with some of my gorgeous girlfriends that attended the Gala and served as spotters during the live auction. The live auction was a hoot. I have never been an auctioneer before. It was actually kind of fun! I kept losing my place though. I was hamming it up so much I kept forgetting the amount I was on. I had to ask the audience a couple of times. All in all it was a roaring success. I am still recovering and trying to get my home back in order. My family is glad to have me back. In fact on Sunday, which was a beautiful day, I lounged until early afternoon then took my daughter to Pumpkinville for a little R&R.

Lauren loved the zip line and face painting.

Here is another shot of Gregg Karukas and I. Not a very good photo :( I am so unphotogenic! Bonnie is the only one that can make me look like me! Stay tuned for those.
Gregg was phenominal! I danced and danced! By that time the live auction was over so I was free and clear.
I have so many people to thank for their support and help with the Gala....

Thank you to our wonderful Sponsors!

General Dynamics
Digital Doorway Designs
Capitol One
TJ Maxx
The Business Bank
Verizon Business
The Ambit Group
Alessia and Roger McIntosh
William Berry and Pat Kalinsky
Rebecca and Reggie Jones

The Gala Committee!

Linda da Costa
Brenda MacEion
Dennis Drinkard
Stephanie Monroe
Carol Ryan
Lynn Gautier

Our Amazing Volunteers!

Jennifer Brandel
Bonnie Cady
Judy Hanley
Stephanie Houseknecht
Nancy Kelley
Beth Paleos
Amy Shouse
Briana Valentino
Jennifer Chandler Perinis
Rachael Remuzzi
Linda McDow
Lynne Travis

My Gorgeous Girlfriends and Spotters!

Barb MacNeil
Karen Dunlap
Andie Smarrelli
Beverly Janka
Tammy Peppe
Sharon Placzek
Paula Zottoli
Pam Keefe
Ashna Nayyar

Special Thanks To...

Susan Curtis
Sharyl Attkisson
Diamond Alley Band
EFX Media
Gregg Karukas
Mary Pat Imlah ~ Imagery Print
Jen Inscho ~ Digital Doorway Designs
The Lansdowne Resort
RCI Sound
Dawn daCosta Poe
Eddie Mason ~ Mase Training
Al Bumbry
Bonnie Coulbourne ~ Bonnie Coulbourne Photography
Mary Sue Jedele ~ Home & Design Magazine

An Extra Special HUGE Thank You to My Wonderful Clients that Helped SOOOOOO Much!

Jim and Theresa Tietjen
Christy and Kevin Gallagher
Tom and Holly Albert

And last but certainly not least...

My loving family ~ Jim and Lauren ~ who supported me, missed me, and put up with me through these many months of planning. I love you both very, very much!


  1. Paula a great event indeed for a great cause. You look stunning in that dress!! Willlook forward to more photos!

    Art by Karena

  2. You look fabulous, glad the event was a success! Janell


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