Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Husband Love

Some of you may know that yesterday was my birthday. It was an ok day. A couple things happened that gave me pause ~ like my printer, copier, scanner, Susie Bake Oven combo bit the dust. It didn't just have a cold, it died. I will need to get one today! Also, my daughter hurt her foot.

She damaged some cartilage while trying to balance on a ball. Seriously ~ I am not kidding. She likes her boot. I think once the novelty has worn off, she'll be begging to take it off.

But other than those two things, the day was fine. Lauren felt the need to tell people along the way that is was my birthday. We went through Starbuck's drive through and she said "Mommy tell them its your birthday and you'll get free stuff." "No, no," I said "I don't need free stuff." Of course Lauren yells from the back seat, "Its my mom's birthday" to the young man at the window. He graciously wishes me happy birthday and then ducks back inside. Sure enough he emerges with a free doughnut. I accept and enjoy something I would typically not eat. Lauren was so proud of herself. Plus ~ it was a gorgeous day ~ sunny and warm but not hot. And no humidity so my hair looked decent all day. A good hair day on my birthday??!! A free doughnut??!! What else can a woman as for? Well......

My husband came home with the lovely deep pink roses at the top. He also gave me a gift certificate for a spa day at my favorite place! The whole family went out to dinner but on a Tuesday night, we just went to one of our local favorites. We ran into my Project Love clients there. That was fun. Lauren, of course, told them it was my birthday. My client sent me an email last night telling me there was a little something on the hall table for me (I am going there today to check on things). How lovely! But that is not all ~ Friday, hubby and I are going out for dinner and a comedy show in DC. We love comedy. Laughing together until our sides split is one of our joys in life. Who are we seeing? Lewis Black.

A very funny comedian. He prides himself on his political satire and foul language. He always makes us laugh so it should be a fun night.

Yes, I am feeling the hubby love and loving him right back!


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Poor Lauren, hope it doesn't take long for the boot to get of?

  2. Happy Birthday....
    Birthdays are very special, not just when you are a little kid. They are even more special as you grow older... celebrations that you are Still Here :)

    I make a big fuss over everyone's birthdays and I expect the same.

    Enjoy it, relish the attention and be happy that you are still here !
    21 kisses, for each year :)

  3. have fun! You're right - good hair day and a free donut. That just about does it for me. Sending along a virtual basket full of happy wishes :)


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