Thursday, August 12, 2010

Wearing Curlers

Ok, wearing curlers??!! What??!! Wearing curlers is about as glamorous as walking out of a public bathroom with toilet paper stuck to your shoe. However when you take them out and run your fingers through your hair ~ FABULOUS! The mess before the magic. That is what this post is all about. Project Love ~ the mess before the magic...

Plastic sheets ~ a wonderful invention. Keeps the dust to a minimum. What's behind the veil?
More mess on its way to fabulous...
One of the guys did not have a mask on while sanding. I lovingly yelled at him...
Oh boy. Hey, there's one of the custom medallions though...
Here's the thing... there was a mess in every public space in the home... except for the kitchen... that comes later. It is simply unkind to have each room a complete mess. The homeowner must be able to sit somewhere :) I like this console very much. I'm reusing it. I am reusing several of their existing pieces ~ just breaking up the sets though. Harmony = Unity + Diversity. The broken sets will provide a nice flow element to the public spaces as well as unity. I am bringing in the diversity.
Wow! You may recall the television was over their magnificent fireplace. It was the view from the foyer. I moved the television to the side and lowered it to a comfortable viewing height. This leaves the fireplace ready and able to showcase a fantastic piece of art. My clients opened their minds regarding the art. It was a wonderful moment. My pride for them just beamed.
Yeah, yeah... you again. No worries ~ all will be right in the world again when I am done with you.
And of course, my Lauren being a ham bone in the foyer with her hair a complete funny mess. You fit right in my love.

For those running, screaming away from your computer at the sight of these photos, those are symptoms of PRSD (Post Redecorating Stress Disorder). I have a cure for that though ~ click here to find it out. Take two of those (any one will do) and recover over a nice long weekend ;)

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog! Happened in from another blog and I am glad that I did. have agreat weekend.
    Teresa (Splendid Sass)


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