Thursday, July 22, 2010

Fun Friday ~ Pink

You all know I love music. It has the power to lift and the power to move. I recently bought Pink's latest album and I must say I am loving it. Pink has the reputation for being a bad ass ~ which she is ~ however, I think at times it does her a disservice. Pink has one of the most amazing voices I have ever heard. She can sing with the emotion like no other. She sang Glitter in the Air at the Grammys. You may have seen it. The presentation made it difficult to appreciate the song. Let me tell you, when I heard the song for the first time on the CD, I was mesmerized. It is the kind of song you never want to end. I could have put the Grammy performance up but I didn't. Instead I looked at several renditions on You Tube and chose the one I felt best represented the song ~ at least to me. Play it loud ~ it is the best way to appreciate Pink's exquisite voice.

Enjoy your weekend.


  1. I love her too! And the Grammy performance was amazing! I am also really loving Lady Gaga and Adam Lambert right now....both are amazing artists and show people like Pink and really well rounded as well singing songs of all styles. Thanks for this post , it WAS fun!

  2. It's my favorite song of the moment! Beautiful pictorial..thanks!

  3. I have followed Pink for years and think she is amazing! Although I did not get her latest cd I do know the music.. she fell this past few weeks and I'm so glad she did not hurt herself too bad... she has energy to burn!

  4. I admit, I really enjoy her music! I cannot wait to listen to this song...

    I hope you have a lovely weekend, Paula Grace!
    You have been such a busy lady -- I hope you have a chance to relax a bit :)


  5. I simply adore Pink! My (step)daughter and I were just watching the youtube video of her performance from the grammy's today. Not only do you have great designing abilities but great taste in music too! ;)

  6. I love Pink!! Love her voice! I think she isn't given enough credit.


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