Monday, June 7, 2010

Timeless Tuesday Number Eighteen

Welcome to Timeless Tuesday #18. I'm still in the mood for color palettes so I am devoting this week's timeless classic to black and white interiors ~ perhaps with a splash or two of pops. These delicious features are compliments of Houzz. Take a look...

damask_wallpaper_black_living_room_carpet.jpg (image)

White & Black Kitchen traditional kitchen

Black & White kitchens modern kitchen

Newlyweds home eclectic bedroom

Love Tracy Murdock's work!

Tracy Murdock eclectic bedroom

Black & White living  room contemporary living room

Black and white occasionally with a splash of color ~ always timeless, always classic!

Now it is your turn to share your posts about classics or trends you hope become timeless...

1) Add your permalink below ~ not your blog's address in general but the specific post you want people to visit. To obtain the actual post link, click on the title of your post once you have published it and copy and paste the URL into Mister Linky.

2) Leave your name and say a couple of words to describe your post (e.g. "Coco Chanel suits" or "Classic interior design for children" or "Delicious meals in a snap."

3) Copy and paste the Timeless Tuesday logo button (on my right sidebar) to your Timeless Tuesday posts. This is a sure way for your readers to know you have joined in the party.

4) Link back to the host blog, that's me ~ Paula Grace Designs Blogspot Timeless Tuesday ~ so all the bloggers that joined the party will receive many interested visitors.


  1. Hi Pretty Paula! Oh, these are such gorgeous rooms. I love that beautiful kitchen! The space is amazing!
    Thanks for hosting Timeless Tuesday!
    be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  2. Your Black and White Designs posted are so beautiful.. gives me a bit of inspiration
    for my 'complete home re-do'.

  3. Too funny! Great minds think a like my friend. I just did a new post and then clicked over to your blog. Check it out. Black and White a classic and my fav.

  4. Beautiful! I love the room with black and white, with bits of yellow... for some reason, lately, I've been so drawn to yellow. Perhaps it's because it's just such a happy color and can work in traditional and modern settings. I'm tucking that photo away for future references :)


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