Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Thursday's Room

This is a room completed by Mica Ertegun of MAC II published in Architectural Digest. I gravitated to this room because of its dual purpose. This is dual purpose done well. Not only is it a lovely dining room but it is a library. What better dinner conversation than the stories in the books that surround you? The art piece of the far wall begins the the story for me. From is flows the palette. Even the placement of books flanking the art work expands the experience. I love the detail of the crown molding. Its fitting for a library. I also like the fact that the room it light and bright painted in a white hue that does not compete with or drown the books. The only change I would make is the ceiling color. I would love to see a soft green that mirrors the upholstered chairs below. Nothing loud, nothing heavy but a little bit of depth. What perplexes me is lighting. There is no chandelier or visible portables or sconces or pin lights. Hmmm?? I am sure it is lit in some interesting way and perhaps if I read the article I would find out :) Still ~ love the space. Thoughts?


  1. Ah, to be a book on the shelf in a room such as this filled with interesting guests dining and storytelling for hours . . .

  2. It is a beautiful space.. I am also curious about the lighting.. hmm.
    Whatever it is, it makes a difference!

  3. We are in the planning stages of putting book cases on our dining room wall or walls. This is helping with the decision making of how many walls.
    This is a beautiful example to go by !

  4. Mica Ertigun--what a talented designer. I met her once after we provided some mosaics for one of her clients through Waterworks. She was incredibly gracious. Now if i could only see them installed...
    xoxo you're the best Paula Grace,

  5. I admit, I'm in love!

    Like you mentioned, the dual purpose makes it even more beautiful... I adore books, and libraries, as well as food -- the combination of being surrounded by all kinds of literature and enjoying a lovely meal is perfect. I'm definitely linking to this great room on Monday's post!

  6. Haute Design sent me over for a visit and I am enjoying your blog. This dual purpose room makes such sense to me at this stage in our lives, what else do you need besides books and food? Great photo and a talented designer, thank you for sharing and lovely to meet you.

  7. I wonder if the light fixture was photoshopped out to show off the room more? You couldn't see that lovely art work at the far end of the room from this perspective if a chandelier were in the way.


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