Thursday, June 3, 2010

Fun Friday ~ Bathroom Makeover Contest

I receive emails all the time for folks wanting me to post something for them. Usually they would like me to show their work or support a product. I have shown work that I found to be very well done. Recently, I received an email from Ashley Albano ~ Public Relations, CSN Stores. It was about a contest for a bathroom makeover.

Did you see this? CSN Stores is an online company offering one lucky winner a bathroom makeover. I don't know anything about CSN Stores but it seems like a nice way to promote your company ~ give away a new bathroom. The best thing about it ~ they promise an eco-friendly bathroom. I'm all for that! So if you have one of these...

and you want one of these...

Source of picture ~ Natural Home Magazine

maybe you should hop on over there and enter the contest. Hey, ya never know! No, I didn't get anything for telling you about this. I didn't even tell them I was going to tell you. Just passing on what might be a very nice thing to happen to one of my readers. If you win, let me know. I'd love to see what they do for you.

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Okay, here is what I want to know, where did you get that "before" picture?! Would certainly make a dramatic one! Janell

  2. Yes.. the before photo looks like a 'dive motel' on the Mexican/Texas border!...
    Thanks for the heads up.. I entered!


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