Sunday, May 9, 2010

Monday's Method

Welcome to Monday's Method! Today, a lovely lady ~ Barbara ~ writes in:

Dear Paula Grace,

I am a 60 year old kindergarten teacher who loves her relaxing baths and decorating websites. I just had to write you and tell you how much I enjoy your beautiful website. You have such exquisite taste! I treat myself to your website each day at lunch.

On a teacher's budget I cannot afford a decorator so I was wondering if I could ask you two questions. After reviewing your website, I think that one of your many talents is knowing what colors look best and what promotes that "oh, wow" look.

I have a raspberry bathroom with white woodwork. I collect flo blue. My master bedroom is predominately yellow. My two questions are: With raspberry walls what color yellow would be best? and what color tassel fringe? I would like yellow silk if I can find it on sale but I have heard it is not practical for a bathroom.

I'm so hopeful you will help me.



Of course I will help you ~ my gosh without caring teachers like you, where would our children be??!! Plus you are so wonderfully complimentary of my work, you practically made me blush.

Let's look at the first picture again plus a couple more of Barbara's master bedroom and bath...

My dear Barbara, you are a fabulous decorator all on your own! I think you have answered your own questions. I see a beautiful array of hues ~ yellow, raspberry, and blue in your master bedroom. I would not deviate from this palette in the master bath.

Regarding the silk in the bath ~ silk and water do not tend to mix. Silk can stain and pucker from water. If you take a sinfully hot shower as I do, day and after day it can wear on whatever fabric you have in the bath (even with a great fan!).

Outdoor fabrics have come a long way. They are designed to hold up well under the wear and tear of the elements. I tend to lean towards these fabrics for a well used bath.

Incorporating raspberry, yellow, and the blue of your collection in one fabric might be a little difficult to find so I would stick with highlighting the yellow and raspberry. The flo blue can of course remain and be experienced as wonderful compliment. Here are some Robert Allen outdoor fabric and trim that I think may work well in your master bath (since I am unsure of the exact color, I took a good guess)...

Heaven's Lace in Lemon Drop; Candy Store in Lemon Drop

Al Fresco Braid in Watermelon; Al Fresco Bead in Watermelon

You may use both trims as the band will add interest and texture.

If these are not your thing, almost all fabric lines have outdoor fabrics now. Any quality fabric store with fabric books is sure to have the outdoor fabric books of the lines they carry. I'd stick with the pretty palette you have established in your master bedroom for your bath and use outdoor fabrics for ease and wearability. Bring samples of your bedroom fabrics with you when you go to the fabric store. This will make it easier to select the right hues for the bath.

I hope this helps Barbara ~ let me know what you decide.

If you have interior design questions, don't hesitate to leave it in a comment. If you have questions about a specific room or space, email me a couple of pictures to Please note 'Monday Method Question' in the subject line.

I am linking with these fabulous blogs. Each deserves a nice, long visit...

Monday ~
Between Naps on the Porch Metamorphosis Monday
Little Red House Mosaic Monday

Tuesday ~
A Soft Place to Land DIY Tuesday

Thursday ~
The Shabby Chic Cottage Transformation Thursday

Saturday ~
Funky Junk Interiors Saturday Nite Special

See you tomorrow for the Timeless Tuesday link party!


  1. Hi Paula! I hope you've had a wonderful Mother's Day! Oh, what great advice to give Barbara! I adore her Flow Blue! I hope she'll show her reveal when she finishes.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. I love that color combination! Thanks for sharing your expertise at MM. :)

  3. That was a great tip about the silk in the bathroom. Fantastic advice.

  4. These are great ideas....I LOVE those trim choices, and the idea of using them both!!!

    Hugs, L

  5. I was sucked in when I saw the word raspberry. I just did a post today about getting ready for a bridal shower later this month and what I would like to do to my home in the next two weeks. i also have a yellow living room and I am bringing raspberry into the adjoining dining room so this post just spoke to me. I, too was wondering about these two colors together but I love what you have pulled together and I am feeling more confident in my choices.

  6. Very helpful words for Barbara.. and I was also taken aback with the color of the bathroom... Whow factor indeed... I so Love It!
    came over from the Shabby Chic Cottage and I think I'll stay a while...
    very nice blog Paula!

  7. I'm so glad that you told Barbara that her palette was awesome! I loved it too and I'm no professional. So I think your advice was very wise. Your blog is beautiful! I'll be browsing more. :)


  8. I like the suggestions you gave. I wouldn't have thought of using outdoor fabric in a bathrm. I, too, love the rasp. bath.


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