Sunday, May 23, 2010

Monday's Method ~ Blue

No one asked for advice for today and I am tired of showing you new product in the market. So I finally decided to read some of the articles I have saved that intrigued me. If you have seen pictures of my home, you know I am a fan of blue. I love steel blue in particular, which is what I have in my living and sun rooms.

My living room is at the top and here is my sun room. The steel blue is paired with neutrals. I have always loved blue so when I finally got around to perusing House Beautiful's story of blue since the 1930s, I found myself smiling a lot and enjoying almost every picture. Let me show you a few of my favorites...

February 1938; April 1940

Amazing ~ the 1938 design could be done today and still considered fresh. The blue with the chocolate brown ~ love it.

February 1950; June 1953

Isn't that the color in 1950 that is En Vogue this year? The 1953 design is priceless and if implemented today, I would still be drawn to it. I love the touch of red. Remember that touch.

January 1959; November 1965

The palette in 1959 is similar to my home now. There's that color again in 1965 ~ similar to 1953. I love those chairs. There is that touch of red again.

January 1969; September 1982

That is one lovely outdoor space. There it is again in 1982 - shades of turquoise.

December 1984; November 1993

The 1984 one is my favorite. That is a timeless room. In the 1993 room, the wood tones with the blue is striking.

August 2009.

Now we have more than a touch of red with the blue. We have a pairing. Note the back of the chairs. I love this color combination and apparently others have too over the decades.

It is interesting to me how colors, blue in this case, and color pairings come back. I think if a room is done well, it can be down right timeless and always seem 'just completed.' That means it didn't come back ~ it never went away. And that, my friends, is design done well.

If you have a design question, please leave me a comment. That is what Monday's Method is all about. If you have a particular concern with your space, send me a couple of pictures to Place Monday's Method in the subject line.

I'll see you tomorrow for Timeless Tuesday. I have a bit of a twist for tomorow's timeless classic.


  1. I enjoyed todays post! I am a blue lover as well....leaning more towards teals than the steely blues, but all blues are lovely!...Was glad I logged into FB and saw your post :o)

    I may just have to email you ...have a few design decisions to make so I do not make a costly mistake as I am on a very tiny budget. Everyone has a different opinion of course so it leaves me very since no one is being forward enough to take you up on the offer of free advice as I said I might just have to be =0)

    Stephanie Feldman

  2. I love this post - very interesting!

  3. Hi Paula! You have such a lovely home! Love your sunroom! What great olden mags too! It is amazing how some colors and styles are timeless! About 1974 I remember I had picked up a magazine and there was an article of a living room - yellow and blue. I fell in love with it and kept that mag for about 20 years! I never did have a yellow and blue living room but my kitchen was yellow and blue, then red, and now it's coming back to yellow and blue! ;)
    In my post today, I'm showing my Blue Willow dishes and will be playing with you tomorrow on Timeless Tuesday!
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. I love your living room. The chair and artwork and that chest is so "me" :) Your staircase reminds me of mine, I painted the oak railing black and love it !

  5. I'm a huge fan of blue. My very first home was done mainly in navy blue and white. Although we ended up doubling our square footage when we moved, I still miss that home. When we put it on the market it seemed that everyone who walked through remarked about the color palette. Blue seems to be the one color that men and women both are drawn to.


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