Monday, April 12, 2010

Timeless Tuesday ~ Ten

For Timeless Tuesday number ten, charity ~ generous actions or donations to aid the poor, ill, or helpless ~ is my timeless classic for today.

The tender act of giving to another just for the sake of giving, aiding, and loving will never go out of style. Coming together as a community ~ community defined as anything from a neighborhood to the world as a whole ~ is a precious energy source that can make anything better, safer, cleaner......

I grew up with a mom that did charity work no matter how busy she was. She always found time to give back. That value was internalized by me hook, line, and sinker.

Charity is today's timeless classic. You know my main charity is the Loudoun Abused Women's Shelter (LAWS). LAWS is a not for profit comprehensive organization aiding victims of domestic violence, sexual abuse, and sexual assault. The also do prevention work with parenting classes and counseling. Their link is always on my right sidebar. I am currently planning a Gala fundraising event for them. As the details solidify, I'll fill you in.

Let me know what things you do to give back. I'd love to hear them.

Now it is your turn to share your posts about classics or trends you hope become timeless...

1) Add your permalink below ~ not your blog's address in general but the specific post you want people to visit. To obtain the actual post link, click on the title of your post once you have published it and copy and paste the URL into Mister Linky.

2) Leave your name and say a couple of words to describe your post (e.g. "Coco Chanel suits" or "Classic interior design for children" or "Delicious meals in a snap."

3) Copy and paste the Timeless Tuesday logo button (on my right sidebar) to your Timeless Tuesday posts. This is a sure way for your readers to know you have joined in the party.

4) Link back to the host blog, that's me ~ Paula Grace Designs Blogspot Timeless Tuesday ~ so all the bloggers that joined the party will receive many interested visitors.


  1. Paula: I started thinking about this earlier today... and thought the classic BAkelite story would be good. I had first posted this in January, but then went back in today and updated a bit and put your link in. I hope that's ok: that it's not an entirely "new" post??? I adore her jewelry and yes, it is timeless!
    And for charity: we support the Vassar Haiti Project: We've been to Haiti and first bought art there in the 80's!

  2. Thanks for hosting, Paula! What a great charity, kudos to you for all the work you do for them. I used to volunteer more often, but would really like to get back into it. I especially enjoyed visiting some elderly friends who didn't get out of the house very often. Another charity I like helps single or young mothers or pregnant women in need.

    Thanks for reminding me that I need to get back into lending a hand. So many people could use a little help or just to know that someone cares!

    -Ann Marie

  3. Hi Paula! What a wonderful charity you're a part of. That is wonderful. Our church helps out with the unfortunate ones here and I lend a hand at times. I wish I had more time to help. My mother right now is my work - she'll be 87 in June and I do all I can for her.

    I'm joining you for Timeless Tuesday. Now you know how silly I am and I hope you don't kick me out of your party! :)
    Be a sweetie,

  4. My Mom was forever doing charity work. She still is. My husband and I support Wounded Warrior Project. They are committed to helping both veterans and their families with financial, emotional, and medical care after returning home from war. It is a fantastic organiztion and one that is dear to us since we are a military family.


How wonderful! You are leaving me a comment. Thank you!