Sunday, April 4, 2010

Monday's Method and New Sponsor & Giveaway

Welcome to Monday's Method.

Suzanne M left me a comment on my orange and purple post last week. She has a hardware dilemma. Let's see if I can help...

My wedding colors (in 1985!) were lilac and apricot. :~)

With that said, I have a question about another color combination. Though this pertains to hardware - doorknobs to be specific! We are remodeling our kitchen and doing stainless steel appliances and sink with satin nickel pulls on the cabinets. We are putting in new french door to the deck and have chosen satin nickel for that hardware too. Since we are going to repaint the entire first floor of our small house, we are going to replace the 20+ yr-old knobs with levers while the painters have taken the old ones off. I wondered if it would be okay to use brass everywhere but the kitchen- I do have a number of gold (or wood w/gold accent) framed pieces, gold mirrors, and some nice brass candlesticks. Is this a crazy idea?? Thanks for any advice!

Hi Suzanne ~

Yes, you may use brass in the remainder of your home. Long ago, the thought of everything matching was the status quo. Today, mixing it up is a good thing. A very important design principle to me is harmony. In harmony, there is unity for cohesion and diversity for interest. I see the different finishes as the latter. If you are concerned that there may be disparity, use the same levers for the French doors in satin nickel that you are using in brass for the other rooms. The style will be the unity; the finish, the diversity.

I have had people ask me about purchasing furniture suites versus selecting different pieces and blending them together. I, of course as would almost any designer, say the differing pieces will bring so much more interest to the room. Consider it a puzzle that initially may seem disorganized and difficult to pull together but in the end, it can be truly magnificent and a work of art.

I hope this helps!

Another reader left me a comment with a specific thing to look at. She even left me a link. For some reason, I cannot find the comment. I don't recall which post it was left on. Sorry! If you read this, please comment again with the link and I will attend to it.

Today, I would also like to highlight a new sponsor who has two Etsy sites. The first one is Paula's Designs (no, it is not me :). Here are a few of her lovelies...

Gorgeous jewelry, functional and lovely key chains and bags, exquisite painted glass ~ yum!

Her other site is devoted to little girls. This brings a smile to my face as my little girl loves this site! It is called Snuggy Bunny Too ~ here are a few from that adorable site...

Beautiful binky clips, bows and headbands, hair clips.... a little girl's dream!

So what do you think? Would you like something for yourself? How about for a little girl in your world?? All you need to do is visit one or both of Paula's Esty sites and leave me a comment letting me know what you would like to win. It is that easy. If you tweet about it or do a shout out on your blog, come back and let me know ~ I'll enter you into the drawing twice! Two winners will be selected randomly for this week's Fun Friday.

I also want to let you know that I have added on my right sidebar ~ Guest Posts. If you would like to be a guest writer on my blog, drop me an email and we'll chat.

I'm linking with these lovely ladies ~ all fabulous parties worth a long leisurely visit.

Monday ~
Between Naps on the Porch Metamorphosis Monday
Little Red House Mosaic Monday
Cottage Instincts Make it for Monday
Pumpkin Seed Productions ~ Plant a Pumpkin Seed

Tuesday ~
A Soft Place to Land DIY Tuesday

Thursday ~
The Shabby Chic Cottage Transformation Thursday

See you tomorrow for Timeless Tuesday!


  1. Oh, those painted glasses are beyond gorgeous!

    Hope you having a fabulous Easter dear Paula!

    Cheers: Evi

  2. Oh, love those cute little girl bows and barrettes. Found you from Metamorphosis Monday. Love to have you come plant your creative seeds over at my new blog party "Plant a Punkin Seed at Punkin Seed Productions". It is usually on Fridays but open all week because I'm doing a little give away. Hope to see you there.

    Punkin Seed Productions

  3. Very cute stuff. Hope you'll come by Atticmag for our really useful giveaway. -- Jane F.

  4. I would love the Garden Flower hair Clips for my granddaughter. She loves hair clips and bows and would adore these!

  5. very cool stuff, thanks for sharing

  6. "Bob" tweeted. Love the blue sky earrings. :)

  7. I am adoring the painted glass goblets! Be blessed. Cindy

  8. You have a beautiful blog, very tasteful with touch of class. Thank you for sharing with us all! Happy Easter from Vancouver Island. Michelle

  9. Love the glasses. Especially the Blacks ones. I miss the days when my daughter wore bows. I had one to go with every outfit. I would have kept Paula in business back then.

  10. Thanks so much for planting your creative seeds at Plant a Punkin Seed Party! Don't forget to come back tomorrow and see "hoo" won the owl and, of course, plant more seeds!!!!

    Punkin Seed Productions

  11. I am going to be selfish and say Cluster of Elegance for me (rather than a cute bow for my daughter:) I love her jewelry.

  12. The Unique Handpainted Lime Green Mosaic Leaves Wine Glasses would be my choice to win. They are beautiful!

  13. Your blog is beautiful, very sweet and tender
    very nice to show what is truly an inspiration, Chany

  14. Thank you, Paula! We are just back from spring break and it was great to see you address my question in this post. I appreciate it very much.

  15. You're welcome Suzanne. Thanks for the question.
    Paula Grace ~


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