Thursday, April 22, 2010

Fun Friday ~ Dressing Rooms

For Fun Friday, I thought a good time would be had by all taking a look at the variety of dressing rooms out there. So naturally I tapped Architectural Digest on the shoulder for elegant and over the top ones. I was not disappointed. Just take a look at the one at the top. The restoration architecture was done by Richard Manion and the interior design completed by Craig Wright. Wow ~ that is quite a decadent vanity. A well placed sun lamp and one would tan from head to toe.

There are a few rooms that belong to the famous in this post. Can you guess whose dressing room this is?? Take a look at the colors. Who do they remind you of?? He also likes blue.... If you guessed Ralph Lauren, you are correct.

Another famous person. This time a songbird. This lovely creation by designer Mario Buatta is the dressing room of Mariah Carey. I think it needs a chaise with a small drink table. It certainly has the space for it!

Isn't this one magnificent?! The chandelier and lounge give it an extra special pop. I adore the piece in the middle. Love the floor. This is radial balance in all its glory! Samual Botera did a wonderful job designing this room.

Oo la la for Jackie O. Yes this room belonged to First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy. She remodeled it as soon as she moved into the White House. Even though this room was done decades ago, it really is quite timeless.

And now for the classic elegance of Barbara Barry. I love everything about this space ~ the palette, the furnishings, its gentleness ~ magnificent!

Last but not least...

Can you guess who this room belongs to?? Another songbird ~ this time a man. The designer is Monique Gibson.... Yup, Sir Elton John. He has a room just for all his artful glasses. I have seen shoe closets like this but I must say, this is my first glasses one. It just makes me smile :)

Do you have a favorite? They're all wonderful in different ways. I must say though ~ I can see myself living in Barbara's room most of all.

Next week, I'll have more pics of the tweens room in process. Stay tuned...

Enjoy your weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Paula! Oh, I'm drooling and I'm not greedy. I'll just take Ralph Lauren's closet! He can keep the clothes! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)


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