Monday, March 15, 2010

Timeless Tuesday ~ Seven

Welcome to Timeless Tuesday! Today I am writing about a Design Day at the Washington Design Center. It was a lovely day full of great people, interesting learning, and fantastic new products ~ this list is always timeless for me ~ people, learning, quality products. I was able to meet the gorgeous Celerie Kemble. She and Jamie Drake moderated by House Beautiful editor, Stephen Drucker, spoke about trends in respect to clients and furnishings.

It was a wonderful discussion. You may read it pretty much read it in full at Jennifer's great blog ~ DC by Design.

I also spoke with Barry Dixon and congratulated on his new fabric line with Vervain. I gave his line a good peruse. I must say, he has some wonderful ones. I loved a few of them so much I ordered memos for a current project. Let me show you what I mean...


Simple and elegant.


I love this tone on tone. Wonderful texture, sumptuous hand, and fresh pattern.

Same as above ~ wonderful, sumptuous, fresh ~ gorgeous!

Versatile and lush.

Love this contemporary one!

There are some that I actually drooled over ~ don't worry, none got on the fabrics. The one above is just one example.

Wonderful take on paisley!

Drool! The hand on this is magnificent.

Drool! This is sure to be a timeless classic.

Drool, drool, drool! I love this one. The texture, pattern, hand, sheen, colorways.... LOVE!

Barry's line had a wonderful composition of contemporary and traditional fabric. Very well rounded, exceptional quality, and very fresh. I can see using this line for a very, very long time. Now that is timeless design at its finest.

Now it is your turn to share your classics or trends you hope become timeless...

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  1. wah! wah! I want to live in a bigger city and go to cool things like this!! I end up travelling sooo much to get to things that it wears me out! I love the fabrics! Drool is right!

  2. Lovely fabrics. Annie at Bossy Color Blog has a nice post about the design event as well.

  3. I'm so glad you posted pictures. I had heard that his new fabric line was fantastic. Looks like the chatter was right.


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