Monday, February 22, 2010

Timeless Tuesday ~ Four

Welcome to Timeless Tuesday number four. Today, the classic I am writing about is 'The Pop.' You've heard interiors designers speak about a pop of color. When it is done well, it is absolutely wonderful. Let me show you what I mean...

The first picture I have used before. It is the work Bockman Forbes + Glasgow, Architecture + Design. The beautiful off white with a magnificent pop of red. The chandelier is stunning.

The second picture is the work of Steven Gambrel and published in Elle Decor. Here there are two pops ~ the obvious kelly green and the more subtle red set against a sea of lovely grays.

A pop of color will always be timeless. The color may change but the element will never go out of style.

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  1. Love that first room Paula! And love the pop of color concept. I am a "colorful" person typically but love the monochomatic look as well if "layered" properly with textures instead of color...then let the color wow you!

  2. I love both of those. I have Steven's in my tear sheets. I love the Green. This coordinates well with my post today. Great minds think a like. LOL!

  3. I love a punch of colour, and I adore the red my own post there are some pops of blue that make the scheme exciting, fresh, and edgy....the pop can change with the season or the fashionable colour of the moment!


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