Friday, October 16, 2009

CharityWorks' Green Designer Show House ~ Part IV

To review all the posts from the CharityWorks' Green Designer Show House, click here.

Let's go to the lower level before we go outside. Remember I said one of the rooms I am smitten with lives on the lower level, well here it is.... Nancy Colbert designed the wine tasting and powder room. When I walked into the room I thought, 'Now that's what I'm talking about.' I loved it from the moment I entered.
Fun back splash!

Clean lined yet a shag-o-licious rug.
Cozy corner to snuggle with your beau and sip some wine. The table is gorgeous.
Simple and elegant.
Love these chairs!
The powder room is sleek and sophisticated.

The wine cellar connected to the wine tasting room was closed the day I was there. I did smash my face up against the door though to peek through (I'm sure they cleaned the smudge I left before the show house opened). Lisa Weiss of The Wine Cellar Company completed it. The cellar was striking. What a fantastic pairing to have in your home ~ a wine cellar with a fabulous room designed to enjoy the vino.

After a few sips of the finest wine, one may saunter over to the "Guilt-free Golf" room designed by Lynni Megginson.

What a concept! Jim, my husband, swooned when I showed this room to him. I don't think I have ever seen him swoon quite like that (I'm a little insulted; I don't think he has swooned like that over me :-) Seriously, this room has got it all for the golfer in the home.

Next we have the free and clear of clutter "Green With Envy" television room designed by Susan Gulick.

This is truly a lounging room to kick back and watch one's favorite show. I love the leaf motif at the crown. The wall art is repurposed hardware used in the most unique way.

After drinking a delicious Pouilly Fuisse, swinging a club or two, watching my favorite show, it's time to get some fresh air..... and I know just where to go! Dee Thornton of Houseworks Interiors' loggia.
What a great place to entertain and enjoy a warm breeze.
The driftwood mirrors are ideal for this green venture and for the outdoor space. I fell in love with them.

Mojito anyone?!

To lounge by the pool or comfortably eat outside, we move to the lovely Barbara Hawthorn's space. Barbara was there the day I was discerningly accessorizing.
"No, these glasses are too much here."
I think I'll serve balsamic-glazed salmon fillets at my imaginary party here.
"They look wonderful here."
I agree. The hues connect beautifully. What a lovely vignette.
I need three ladies to try out these chaise lounge chairs with me. Any volunteers?

The one fact I love about this Show House is that there was a learning curve with Green Design. Designers in the know shared their knowledge. Many did research and were pleasantly surprised with what they found. I have struggled with Green Design myself in the past trying to find items that were truly Green and beautiful. Not so much now. Companies are stepping up. It's the fastest growing segment in interior design today ~ rightly so. I saw repurposing done so well in this show house, so ingeniously it was inspiring.

I hope you enjoyed this journey with me through this unique and very well done CharityWorks' Green Show House. I am actually going back. Once is never enough when a learning opportunity is before me. This time, I am going with a group of friends who happen to be designers and artists. I am already looking forward to discussion that will follow our visit. Do you think they'd mind if we do it by the pool???

Happy Weekend!


  1. I'll join you on the lounge chairs. That outdoor space ia really nice .. but not on a day like today.
    - The other Paula

  2. The room in the basement is outstanding, I can see why it is one of your favorites. Thanks for sharing! Janell

  3. I've been scrolling down through the posts and noticed the artwork. I love the use of large scaled art in a room.


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